The Trust has a staff with wide experience in the activities necessary for thoughtful grant making and the investment of Trust assets.

In addition to normal grant making, it is common Trust practice to convene groups of people to discuss issues of mutual interest and to provide enrichment programs that build capacity and develop leaders in the non profit community. This interactive practice is of great value to the Trust as it seeks to respond to new opportunities, to make grants consistent with its mission, and to promote networking and partnerships among individuals and organizations who share a commitment to enriching the lives of individuals, families, and communities in ways consistent with the Trust’s mission.

Our Structure:

WPAJT is governed by a leadership structure made up of two bodies, a Board of Trustees, and the Management Committee headed by the CEO.

In principle, members of the Board serve in their individual capacity, and not as representatives of any organisation or institution, to ensure complete independence in policy making. The key role of the management committee is to provide direction and leadership to the organisation, evolve and implement strategy, create relevant organisational policy and efficiently run operations.